How to Make the Most of a Semester Off

Whether your student received delayed admission to their dream school or is taking a gap year, help them continue developing the time management and organizational skills they will need when they return to academics. Make the most of the gift of extra time with our favorite strategies that lead to success in college and beyond.

Get a Job.
Learning to show up on time for a boss or a team instills responsibility and accountability. Plus, there’s the added benefit of extra pocket money when you are back on campus.

Whether it’s news articles or romance novels, you will be improving your comprehension skills and your vocabulary. Need some suggestions? Take a look at our Top Books to Read This Summer.

Make Your Own Appointments.
Dentist, doctor, hair salon, DMV - whatever it is, scheduling your own appointments (and of course showing up on time for them) is great practice for living on your own.

Get in a Sleep and Exercise Routine.
Regular sleep and exercise improve cognitive functions like memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities. Establishing these routines now will help you be more productive when your classes begin, and less stressed during crunch times.

Practice “Adulting.”
Increase your independence by doing adult things: make your bed, prepare basic food, create some sort of budget, do your own laundry, and dry cleaning runs.

Use a Planner.
We love an old-fashioned paper planner, but even just getting in the habit of using the Reminder app and alerts on your phone will help you stay organized when you have to keep track of multiple assignments and deadlines.

Have your student incorporate these tips into their daily routines while they are away from academics, and they will be second nature when they head back to school. If you think your student would benefit from executive function coaching now or in the future, schedule a call with us to discuss the many ways we support students and help them succeed.

* Please note that while there is no extra cost to you, College Success Plan receives a small compensation from purchases made through our links.


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Top Books for College Students to Read this Summer