How to Skim Read — College Success Plan
Skim the Chapter Reading
You don’t have to read it all, but you can make it seem like you did!
Before you start reading:
Read the Syllabus
Often your professor will give hints or tell you what info you are reading for
Skim the main points of the chapter ahead of time
You get the general topics and the big picture/overview
Preview end of chapter questions and make note of concepts
Make note: What is the overall purpose of this chapter?
Write down your ideas and thoughts on this
Skimming the Chapter:
Read the Introduction and Conclusion carefully
Write out main idea of Introduction and Conclusion
Ask yourself: “What is this chapter about?”
See if it matches your idea of overall purpose of chapter
Make changes or add concepts
For each section in chapters:
Write each heading as a question
As you skim, take notes of items that answer that question
Skim for passages that support the main idea
Annotate, highlight or mark sentences that catch your attention
Make note of key concepts of the section, vocab words and any pictures or chart
In class during lectures:
Pick up on points missed and add to your notes
After class:
Create a weekly summary sheet for key notes from reading and lecture
Create potential test questions from your summary sheet
This is essentially creating a study guide for exams
Before the Exam:
Review your lecture notes
Review your chapter reading notes
Review sentences you marked or highlighted in the book
Office Hours:
Bring your notes in and review any questions with professor
Your professor will let you know if you’re on the right track
Take notes on what your professors says