The Importance of Goal Setting

Goal setting is a pivotal part of every college student’s experience. Setting new goals each semester, tracking those goals, and reflecting on them with every new semester will lead to more efficient and lasting growth. College Success Plan coaches engage in goal-setting exercises with students throughout the semester, often checking in on goals on a weekly basis. By prioritizing goal setting and returning to this conversation frequently, we can best support our students’ ambitions and hold them accountable.

College Success Plan subscribes to the SMART goals philosophy. SMART goals are:

SPECIFIC: Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do

MEASURABLE: Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal

ATTAINABLE: Goals should be achievable; they should stretch you slightly so you feel challenged, but defined well enough so that you achieve them

RELEVANT: Goals should measure outcomes, not activities

TIME-BOUND: Goals should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense of urgency

Goals are important because they give us focus, they provide a measurement for progress, they ground us, and last but not least, they motivate us!

Selecting a variety of goals is important in building a balanced semester. Consider setting academic, social, personal, AND professional goals each new semester:

Academic goals might include regular attendance, getting started on larger assignments/projects early, attending office hours, reviewing your notes weekly, and utilizing all of your accommodations.

Social goals to consider are making a friend in every class, participating more in class, joining a new club, studying in a new location, or staying in touch with family and old friends.

Personal goals could include making time each day for exercise, spending more time outside, getting better sleep, or eating 3 meals a day.

Professional goals may be attending the Career Fair, meeting with someone in the Career Center, seeking out research opportunities on campus, or scheduling informational interviews to explore jobs of interest.

Never underestimate the power of a goal. This includes goal setting, goal tracking, and goal reflection. The more thought is put into a plan, the greater the chance of success. By setting academic, social, personal, and professional goals, students identify the aspects of their lives that are necessary for productivity and happiness, thereby learning more about themselves and what it takes to achieve success. Creating a new road plan for success each semester provides students with direction and purpose, without which a fulfilling experience is much harder to achieve. If your student struggles to set or achieve goals, consider scheduling a free consultation with us today to discuss their particular needs and how we can help.


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